Antonio Nurri
The coffee and Me.
It is beyond doubt that the link that Naples has with coffee, from any perspective you want to see it, is very strong.
Can it happen to be a Neapolitan, work for a roasting as a foreign commercial, and not be a coffee drinker?
Yes, it can happen but only for a short time: because the coffee will take revenge becoming part of your daily life soon.
It doesn’t matter how you drink it: espresso, coffee-brewing, cappuccino, hot, cold, alone or in company.
Coffee will mark your life with its aroma.
Since Sigep in January 2002 Antonio has been involved in various fairs between Italy and Europe where his curiosity finds a new world, the one of black gold and its equipment.
Travel the world promoting authentic Neapolitan espresso.
Needless to say, Italy is an authentic protagonist of coffee world. Our Country for over a century has called the shots in this sector with the brands of this industry that are imposed in all markets: the espresso speaks Italian.
From an exotic drink drunk during the holidays in the Bel Paese, the espresso became daily habit in many European countries, In North America and Australia, although with different habits: foreigners love doing things right, studying and learning them even with hard work.
Driven by passion and and determination "coffee-lovers" began to buy for their homes semi-professional equipment since the early 90’s.
These pieces of equipment replaced old automatic bean-to-cup machines no longer able to stand the comparison with a nascent market in search of quality that only much later was associated with the term Prosumer (Professional Consumer).
This trend found unprepared national and local producers who did not immediately grasp this new demand, tired of the "usual" offer.